
 Baudrillard's Theory:

Spiderman No-Way-Home:

Reality: School/Normal Life
Simulacra: Superheroes/Supervillains

None of it is actually real, it is a film set

-Loss Of Reality
-Lack Of Versimilitude
-Intertextual References:
past Spiderman movies: character lines & Characters

Similarities to real life:
teenager who goes to school/applying to college
teen love/young love

Gauntlett's Theory:

Steven Universe:
LGBTQ+ characters
Genders of characters are quite vague, sometimes seeming feminine and sometimes feeling masculine

Butler's Theory:


Females presented as strong/powerful.

Black widow:
Tight clothing - sexualised and objectifies her
In Black widow, Natasha is sexualised through her tight clothing, which shows off her body.

Beauty and the beast
In beauty and the beast, we are straying away from gender norms as belle is not only seen for her beauty, but her intelligence too. However, she is shamed by many characters for these traits

Levi Strauss:
The lord of the flies

Good/bad, Civilised vs Savages, Little kids/Big kids
Communicates the ideology that savages are bad. Implies that the big kids are supposed to be more adult whilst the younger kids are more wild and free. Good vs Bad. 

Red eyes -
Denotation: they are red
Connotation: Evil, Possessed.
Myth: the eyes are just a part of the design. Red does not always mean danger/violence

Angry expressions -
Denotation: the robots are angry
Connotation: they are angry at someone/something.

Foxy's sharp teeth-
Denotation: Dangerous, threatening
Connotation: Violent, threatening
Myth: sharp teeth may not mean that they are dangerous

Peaky Blinders:

Generic  Conventions:
Criminal Orginisation - crime drama
Police hunting down the organisation 

Shelby: leader of criminal organisation - peaky blinders
Chief Inspector: wants information on the robbery
Fred: communist

Shelby doing the “powder trick” to attempt to win horse race
Chief inspector trying to get information about the robbery case involving Shelby & Fred
Shelby’s men accidentally took a crate of guns instead of what they intended.

Contextual themes:
Riding on horseback, everyone is well dressed - 1919 Birmingham/Britain
Man running Criminal Organisation - women seen as inferior in 1910’s, men in control
Racism - 1900’s Britain 
Guns - 1900's Britain context: no gun laws
“Nothing that’s women’s business” - Sexism in 1919 Britain
Just returned from war - WW1 - 1914, 5 years later
British Pub - darts, pool

Conventions of a Spy Thriller - Luther:

Spies dressed formally/in suits
Fancy car- ford
Typically masculine colours
Use of weapons - guns
Interrogation for information 
Serious content

Choose 3 theorists and apply:


follows genre conventions of a Spy/Thriller - Serious content, sidekick, male lead, spies in suits, British, Fancy car, City, interrogations

Representations of violence - murders, audience may feel inclined to feel that the world is not safe because of them. Mean world syndrome

Reduces risk with established actor - Idris Elba 
Spy/Thriller Genre is well received in the UK


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