Investigating Theory

Monday 13th May 2024

Theory and media: Protest Songs - Monae
L/O: to investigate a theory and make links to specific products.

Multiple people who are part of minority groups: ethnicity, gender

Relevant to contexts of racism in America - protests for civil rights such as BLM

Monae has an oppositional gaze against the American Political system - women looking at the camera to defy the male gaze.

Turntables - change, progression.

Images of black people through the ages - links the past to the present and how we are still fighting. Positive rep of black history and culture

Pride parades - support of LGBTQ, pride gained traction because of black, trans women. 

Montage of black women - intersectionality

Bell Hooks:
subverts the dominant representations in the media: black, female vs white, male.
pride parades - LGBTQ+ - fighting Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia etc.

Tuesday 21st may 2024


Zach - Baudrillard - Films:

Reality is simulated 
representation of eras rather than the actual era.

Dan - Bell Hooks - Barbie

Intersectionality - different aspects come together to create oppression

Yvie - Hesmondalgh  - Movie Adaptations:

most game adaptations movies do not turn out good - Last of us contrasts the theory.

Dom - The Boys - Curran & Seaton, Hesmondhalgh, Neale, Gauntlett:

Changing Genre - Superheroes not as good people
Star actors used

Monday 3rd June 2024

Theory and Media: Baudrillard and articles

L/O: to investigate a theory and collect key examples for analysis to develop understanding

Clarkson's Farm:

Jeremy Clarkson is made to look like a joke - accidentally crashing tractor into building, "i think i've gone in its anus".

The 'reality' of his farm makes it look like he is terrible at running it. In reality he would have to be good at running it or else he would not be able to maintain the farm.

Help from locals - probably are friends of his rather than random people.

This joke persona of Clarkson supersedes his real persona

shows the 'truth' of what happens on the farm - in reality this would never happen in real life.


The producers/actors of the titanic movie would not have been on, seen or survived the titanic to have known how people acted during the sinking of the ship.

Many mysteries still surround the ship in general so we have no conformation wether the things we are seeing are realistic.

Hyperconsciousness - Acknowledging that they are in a media text
Breaking the 4th Wall - speaking directly to the viewers. This can show that they are aware they are in a text.

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Theory and Media: Butler and articles


Charlie: slightly flamboyant - not completely sporty but joins the rugby team for nick
Nick: sporty, not very flamboyant - subverts stereotypes

Heteronormativity - the idea that being straight is 'normal' and anything else isn't

Ru Paul's drag race - Competitor's are not straight, guest judges are a range of identities.

Lil Nas X - Gender Performance = subverts stereotypes of masculinity - emotional, weaker.

In Lil Nas X's video 'Sun Goes Down', we are able to apply Butler's theory of gender performativity. We can see this through his performance. We are able to see scenes of him crying whilst sitting on the floor. This subverts stereotypes of gender performances, as men are traditionally expected to be stronger and showing no emotions.

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Theory and media: hall (representations) and articles.
L/O: to investigate and collect key examples for analysis to develop understanding.

Positive representations of being Muslim, Pakistani and Islamic culture.

Shows aspects of islamic culture positively - prayers, cleansing ritual -Wudu, mosque. use of song in Urdu.

Killing Eve:
social context:
strong, confident women - me too movement
Villanelle& Eves sexualities - more equal society
women and men equal society

cultural contexts:
varied representations of ethnicity - multiculturalist UK.

Political contexts:
Positive representations of women, ethnicity - contrasts Donald Trumps views

Historical contexts:
Villanelle - Russian, cold war contexts demonising russia.

Loves her work. Independent- goes against what she is told.

stereotypes of femininity - loves consumerism, clothing. stereotypes of Russia - assassinations, cruel, untrustworthy

Corrupted, controlled by men.

Assassins, spies, untrustworthy, dangerous

Older Men:

Kind - stereotypes of women

Gender - men as more controlling, 

Sexuality - 

The State - controlled by corrupt men, conforms to traditional, out-dated societal standards.

Race - 

Hall's theory of representation states that representations are used to fix meaning, and that even creating anti-stereotypes is an attempt to fix meaning. Representations are created by what is and isn't present.

Gravity  Falls:

Men are the heroes.
Minimal representations of disability - implied mental disability in some characters, still vague in those representations.
mix of male and female characters, most female characters viewed as sidekicks/comedic.

Tuesday 2nd July 2024


Active audiences are audiences who speak to one another and create their own opinions about wether they liked a product or not, opinions are likely different as audiences are no longer a mass group and act individually.
The new online media granted audiences the ability to share and discuss media products and gave them a platform to create their own interpretations.
Social medias allowed online audiences to create similar effects to mass media.
Gives some control to audiences and not just conglomerates.
Conglomerates have to change their ways so as to please audiences

cultural context - audience expects to be able to talk back to companies about a product.

Advertisement at start of video

8-bitryan promoting ironside computers

Youtube - people can create their own content or a mass audience, creates a one to many relationship

Shirky 2:

Amateur creators can create content for a mass audience - Emma Chamberlain
Youtube videos take a lot of time and effort

The internet can be dangerous due to lack of good regulation -comments & videos  regulated by youtube/some youtubers (biased), youtubers can promote their own ideologies (biased).

Cultural contexts - advertisements in youtube, promoting of brands.

Shirky's theory of End of Audience states that audiences have gained more power and are now able to create


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