TV Drama Revision

 Killing Eve:


Split narrative:

Narrative 1: following the protagonist 'Eve' as she tries to find out who the assassin is (Villanelle), 

Narrative 2: we see Villanelle's murders so we know before Eve does - omniscient audience?

both narratives are connected to eachother


Villanelle: Antagonist, Female, Russian, Cruel - knocks ice cream onto child, Unhelpful - doesn't help the older lady (possibly joking/friendly?) Dark sense of humour - playing dead when her boss comes to her apartment. Middle class = Consumerism culture - many shopping bags, apartment in the centre of Paris. Intelligent - able to get away with her assassinations

Eve: Protagonist, Female, Asian, Married, works for MI5, Not happy/not attracted to her husband, Obsession/Attraction to female assassins. Middle Class - owns a nice house with her husband, works for MI5. Intelligent - working for MI5.

Elena: Female, Black, younger, Eve's assistant at MI5.

Bill: Male, Caucasian, older, Eve's Boss at MI5, Friendly with Eve - sharing food. Sides with Eve when Frank fires her, gets fired himself.

Frank: Male, Caucasian, Older, Bill's Boss at MI5, suspicious character - hiding evidence/lying about evidence.

Carolyn: Female, Caucasian, Older. Head of Russia desk. At the end she offers Eve a job, alongside Elena and Bill, in helping to stop Villanelle.

Konstantine(?): male, Russian, older, Villanelle's boss. Controlling, darker sense of humor.

Niko: Male, Eve's Husband, Polish, older, helpful to eve (translating the interview with Kasha)

Dominik: Male, Teenager, polish,, young - teen. Helps eve (translating the interview with Kasha, Accompanying eve to the hospital)

Kasha: female, Polish, young. The only lead Eve has on finding out anything about villanelle and her assassination(s).


Ice cream shop scene - this is our first meeting with villanelle. we are able to see that she lacks social skills as she only smiles at the child after the man running the shop smiles. We can see through the mise-en-scene of her facial expression that the smile is insincere. Next, we see her look down and wipe blood/Ice-cream off of he watch. This use of mise-en-scene is foreshadowing for the later events in the episode. We then see Villanelle's cruelness as she knocks the ice-cream onto the young girl as she is leaving. This juxtaposes the normally good feelings surrounding ice-cream with the cruelness of her actions.

Villanelles Assassinations - 

Each Assassination becomes more and more violent throughout the episode. 

The first assassination - Meeting scene : done off-screen, and is done to a politician who is known to traffic women. Due to the vileness of the character and his actions, as well as us not seeing the assassination happen, it is not exactly seen as a violent assassination. We are able to hear this through the use of sound in the dialogue from the discussions between Carolyn, Bill, Frank and Eve at the MI5 meeting.

The second assassination - Tuscany Scene: done to a mafia boss, who touches villanelles face without her consent. This assassination is more violent, as we see her stabbing the man with a poisoned hairpin in his face. She also takes the time to write down the name of a designer on her hand (presumable to buy from) which shows her lack of empathy or emotion in general.

The third assassination - Hospital Scene: Here we see Villanelle's most violent point. Whilst eve is on the phone to Bill in the toilet, Villanelle manages to sneak in and murder an entire room of hospital staff as well as Eve's only witness - Kasha


[Historical] [Political] [Social] [Cultural] [Economic]

Trump elected as president - Donald Trump is known for his bigotry towards anyone who is LGBTQ, Female, Non-white. Eve is Asian, Female - strong, determined lead character. Villanelle is Russian, Female - strong, skilled, intelligent.

Saudi Arabia - Strong, Intelligent, female lead characters

#metoo - Eve as a powerful, confident lead character. Villanelle as strong, intelligent, powerful.

Cold war - Russia is demonised through Konstantine and Villanelle as antagonists, villanelle as an assassin

Salisbury poisonings - Villanelle using a poisoned hairpin in an assassination.

Multiculturalism - Range of ethnicities in Killing Eve - Asian, Polish, Black, White,

MI5/Secret Services - Every country has a secret service group, universal context

Use of Star vehicles - Eve played by Sandra Oh - famous american/asian actor. 



conforming to gender stereotypes:

Paris Scene: 

Traditionally feminine: Seen to love shopping (consumerism culture), Clothing, Make-up
Mise-En-Scene: holding multiple shopping bags - presumable expensive brands.
Feminine Clothing: Beige coat

Tuscany Scene:

Traditionally Feminine - Cares about her appearance 
Mise-en-Scene: Feminine shirt - slightly see through - light blue. Hair Tied up into a bun. Wearing gold earrings.

Changes into a light blue dress with lace - feminine, traditional stereotypes of women caring about their appearance.

Writes down the name of the designer - passion for consumerism

Villanelle Subverting Stereotypes:

Her job as an assassin converts stereotypes - violent, unsympathetic, cruel.

Tuscany Scene:

Riding a bike - traditionally masculine thing.
Leather Jacket, Helmet

Climbing up a wall - athletic. 


Subverts traditional gender stereotypes:

Determined leader - determined to do her job - takes the lead in getting information out of Kasha as she is dying. Calls for help


Traditional masculinity - holds a high, well paying role in MI5, wearing formal outfits, strict, unsympathetic


Wide variety of Ethnicities represented in Killing Eve - Black, White, Asian, Polish etc - Patriotic to Britain as a multiculturalist country.

Russian characters portrayed as the villains and as assassins - historical contexts of the cold war - patriotism towards Britain helping to win in the cold war.

MI5 - British government security agency - patriotic to england


Wide range of Ethnicities: multiculturalism

Konstantin & Villanelle: representation of Russia - demonised Russia - assassination, poisoning. Konstantin represents older Russian men, Villanelle represents middle aged/younger Russian women

Dom & Niko: Polish. Dom is representative of younger polish teens - understands slang, translations for Eve. Niko is representative of older Polish men - understands less of younger polish slang - translations for eve.

Eve: Asian, represents middle aged/younger Asian women,

Elena: Black, represents younger black women

Bill, Frank - White, representative of older white men


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